Wednesday, July 15, 2009

High Sierra 2009 Sunday

High Sierra Sunday
Just another day of great entertainment at High Sierra Music Festival.
It’ s best if your paying attention but a lot of fun even if your not

At High Sierra Music Festival in Quincy California, staying awake is half the fun with epic music for four days from mid-day till dawn. It’s enough to seriously skew any body’s sense of a normal schedule.
Or, why do we get up early to go to work at all?


Back Stage go

I go up to these dudes (above) and I say “can I take your picture”, because they look cool. So they begin posing in a cool way- and I do the ’wide angle rock star thing’ with my camera.

After each photo, I turn the camera around so they can approve or reject the image. The one guy (in the hat) says to me without looking at the image in the viewfinder “Wow, your a really great photographer” in a sort of dead pan voice like he really does not care. “dude” “like, uh yeah, thanks...” I think...“However, No one seems to know who you are, what are you doing backstage?” They were hanging out in the back stage area with the Steve Kimmock clan. “See ya later”. I kinda liked the shots anyway. If you know who they are send them along. They might be famous.

Fareed Haque from Garage Mahal

Fareed Haque smiling with the good vibes
From Delta to Desert, Sunday Morning High Sierra play-shop 2009
Vieux Farka Toure' and Fareed Haque with guest players.
Faff City

It was not too early Sunday morning and I was walking past High Sierra Music Hall building on my way to the nearest real bathroom to brush my teeth, and head back to camp.

Dave Margulies says to me as I walk by the entrance to the building, “Hey, come shoot this set, its going to be sweet” motioning as he goes in the building, so grab my camera from camp and I head into the building , everyone was waiting for the musicians to arrive in anticipation. “Who’s playing?” I ask someone. “ Oh sweet good fortune- it’s Vieux Farka Toure and Fareed Hacque” , “wow” . High sierra always amazes me.” Wait, I say to myself, this is too good to experience alone, I have to find Damian and CB. I run down to the CB’s famous tour bus. Everyone is asleep- slackers... were up too late...Luminesque- Fire performance troup on board. You know you gotta keep these young kids on their toes, first year they don’t quite have the routine down yet. “WAKE UP, GUYS! it’ s after all Sunday morning church here at High Sierra Helloo!” “Hez, dude I’m tryin’ to sleep, sleep, sleep. Snore...snuggle and sleep...” “whatever, DUDE- I was up till 4 with you...just gysaoub and come down to the Music Hall and check out the sweet sounds, gotta run! don’t want to miss this photo op with the sweetest sound after all that loud DJ music last night. Faffers those guys.”

Back at the hall I arrive in the pit just as the music starts.

I was having trouble getting the shots I wanted so I climbed up on the speakers following my lens around and then out onto the stage. I was trying not to annoy anyone and was lucky because the audience was all mellow. After last night when we were up till all hours in the night shows, no one cared. Then magic started to happening in the synergy of the music. The complexity of the continental influences began to hum and sing together and the hall got still as everyone listened. The music was so sweet and the players were all attuned to one another after a short time. The beauty of skilled talent. They sounded like they had been playing together for years. How many bands have formed at High Sierra I wondered?
This was the perfect Sunday morning sublime music melody. Soothed the nerves in just the right way. Vieux Farka Toure'

Are we having fun yet?

If you ever see Vieux’s drummer he is this skinny smiley white hippie guy who speaks english. Not that language matters when your around these guys.... because you all understand music. but Its funny seeing him in this all black band. you can see him on his site. Two votes for music bringing cultures together in a good way.

Fareed Haque:

Hey yeah that’s pretty good.

I love this reflective look What is that guitar?

Vieux Farka Toure' and Dave Margulies

Dave Margulies

Finding a good MC is a rare thing and Dave has a natural ability in front of a crowd.

How many times have you tuned out the MC just because they were either screechy or unclear? Boring or over done? Its a hard job to keep the audience’s attention between sets. He gets my vote.

A day in the life: The family that plays together stays together
Focus on families that include kids in the festival life: Dave and Tina Margulies
Dave, Tina and Kai Margulies Dave and Tina Margulies

Dusty Rhodes and the Big River Band at the Big Meadow Hot, young, polite, funny, punchy pop with a hint of prince and some good ole rapture. A vibrant sound with diverse instrumentation.

Along the trail: Eat a peach it’s summer! The girl with the glasses Lucky Guy Nymphs along the pathGustavo from Javagogo poster on RV

Poor Man’s Whisky: Vaudeville Tent Sunday Jam session Going Gladiator to see the day out right. One of those epic, classic High Sierra moments where the groove got deep and the fans went ape. Poor Man’s Whisky the lead singer and guitar player on stage in the heat of the day Poor Man’s Whisky guitar player lays down some sounds Poor Man’s Whisky the lead singer and guitar player wears gladiator sandals.... What's next you have to wonder Poor Man’s Whisky the lead singer and guitar player hamming it up for the audience Poor Man’s Whisky stand up bass at rock show and holding it down just fine. Poor man’s whisky singer belting out the lyrics. Poor Man’s Whisky’s Key board player hitting all the right notes Pooba the stage manager among other things Pooba close-up after a successful weekend Vaudeville stage sign in case anyone was unclear on the concept Vaudeville sound engineer, is he awake or are his eyes just open?

Happy campers After the show Fairground sign is still relevant Gospel Sessions in action on the grandstand

Mama’s don’t let your babies grow up to be artists:

I am not one of those writers who carves up the music as if I know what I am talking about in an attempt to sound important and have an opinion. I shy away from that kind of critic. I suppose it leaves no room for argument and establishes authority over the subject, however I politely decline that critical mode in favor of a direct experiential approach to the flavors presented as if it is a miracle that any artist or musician stays dedicated to developing their craft regardless of the occupations unnatural pressures. Individual ego aside, the commons of art and music is our cultural heritage and defines our place in history.

To develop an authentic voice within the climate of the last 20 years of criminal public funding cuts to our music and arts programs is a miracle and that these small offerings of beauty on the part of independent producers and promoters is astonishing. We do it for the love of music and art.

The artists and musicians and even promoters and producers often do it often for pennies, and are sometimes lucky to have a day job or family support that affords them the freedom to do music and art often in addition to real life pressures.

The purpose of being creative is to share the experience with others singing and expressing art about the struggles and joys of our time. I am here to document that effort.

To muck about, wasting time doing something not necessary.
I've been faffing about all day with my car

2. faff         
1. to waste time doing nothing. 2. to waste time doing stupid things 3. to delay, dilly-dally, especially before leaving the house to be on time somewhere.
3. 3. A new art form: Enjoying the utter essentials of life, love and music with no real agenda but good food, fine wine, beautiful art, great friends and the right vibe.

1. Get your sorry ass out of bed....

High Sierra Sunday
Just another day of great entertainment at High Sierra Music Festival.

It’ s best if your paying attention but a lot of fun even if your not

At High Sierra Music Festival in Quincy California, staying awake is half the fun with epic music for four days from mid-day till dawn. It’s enough to seriously skew any body’s sense of a normal schedule.
Or, why do we get up early to go to work at all?


Back Stage go

I go up to these dudes (above) and I say “can I take your picture”, because they look cool. So they begin posing in a cool way- and I do the ’wide angle rock star thing’ with my camera.

After each photo, I turn the camera around so they can approve or reject the image. The one guy (in the hat) says to me without looking at the image in the viewfinder “Wow, your a really great photographer” in a sort of dead pan voice like he really does not care. “dude” “like, uh yeah, thanks...” I think...“However, No one seems to know who you are, what are you doing backstage?” They were hanging out in the back stage area with the Steve Kimmock clan. “See ya later”. I kinda liked the shots anyway. If you know who they are send them along. They might be famous.

Fareed Haque from Garage Mahal

Fareed Haque smiling with the good vibes
From Delta to Desert, Sunday Morning High Sierra play-shop 2009
Vieux Farka Toure' and Fareed Haque with guest players.
Faff City

It was not too early Sunday morning and I was walking past High Sierra Music Hall building on my way to the nearest real bathroom to brush my teeth, and head back to camp.

Dave Margulies says to me as I walk by the entrance to the building, “Hey, come shoot this set, its going to be sweet” motioning as he goes in the building, so grab my camera from camp and I head into the building , everyone was waiting for the musicians to arrive in anticipation. “Who’s playing?” I ask someone. “ Oh sweet good fortune- it’s Vieux Farka Toure and Fareed Hacque” , “wow” . High sierra always amazes me.” Wait, I say to myself, this is too good to experience alone, I have to find Damian and CB. I run down to the CB’s famous tour bus. Everyone is asleep- slackers... were up too late...Luminesque- Fire performance troup on board. You know you gotta keep these young kids on their toes, first year they don’t quite have the routine down yet. “WAKE UP, GUYS! it’ s after all Sunday morning church here at High Sierra Helloo!” “Hez, dude I’m tryin’ to sleep, sleep, sleep. Snore...snuggle and sleep...” “whatever, DUDE- I was up till 4 with you...just gysaoub and come down to the Music Hall and check out the sweet sounds, gotta run! don’t want to miss this photo op with the sweetest sound after all that loud DJ music last night. Faffers those guys.”

Back at the hall I arrive in the pit just as the music starts.

I was having trouble getting the shots I wanted so I climbed up on the speakers following my lens around and then out onto the stage. I was trying not to annoy anyone and was lucky because the audience was all mellow. After last night when we were up till all hours in the night shows, no one cared. Then magic started to happening in the synergy of the music. The complexity of the continental influences began to hum and sing together and the hall got still as everyone listened. The music was so sweet and the players were all attuned to one another after a short time. The beauty of skilled talent. They sounded like they had been playing together for years. How many bands have formed at High Sierra I wondered?
This was the perfect Sunday morning sublime music melody. Soothed the nerves in just the right way. Vieux Farka Toure'

Are we having fun yet?

If you ever see Vieux’s drummer he is this skinny smiley white hippie guy who speaks english. Not that language matters when your around these guys.... because you all understand music. but Its funny seeing him in this all black band. you can see him on his site. Two votes for music bringing cultures together in a good way.

Fareed Haque:

Hey yeah that’s pretty good.

I love this reflective look What is that guitar?

Vieux Farka Toure' and Dave Margulies

Dave Margulies

Finding a good MC is a rare thing and Dave has a natural ability in front of a crowd.

How many times have you tuned out the MC just because they were either screechy or unclear? Boring or over done? Its a hard job to keep the audience’s attention between sets. He gets my vote.

A day in the life: The family that plays together stays together
Focus on families that include kids in the festival life: Dave and Tina Margulies
Dave, Tina and Kai Margulies Dave and Tina Margulies

Dusty Rhodes and the Big River Band at the Big Meadow Hot, young, polite, funny, punchy pop with a hint of prince and some good ole rapture. A vibrant sound with diverse instrumentation.

Along the trail: Eat a peach it’s summer! The girl with the glasses Lucky Guy Nymphs along the pathGustavo from Javagogo poster on RV

Poor Man’s Whisky: Vaudeville Tent Sunday Jam session Going Gladiator to see the day out right. One of those epic, classic High Sierra moments where the groove got deep and the fans went ape. Poor Man’s Whisky the lead singer and guitar player on stage in the heat of the day Poor Man’s Whisky guitar player lays down some sounds Poor Man’s Whisky the lead singer and guitar player wears gladiator sandals.... What's next you have to wonder Poor Man’s Whisky the lead singer and guitar player hamming it up for the audience Poor Man’s Whisky stand up bass at rock show and holding it down just fine. Poor man’s whisky singer belting out the lyrics. Poor Man’s Whisky’s Key board player hitting all the right notes Pooba the stage manager among other things Pooba close-up after a successful weekend Vaudeville stage sign in case anyone was unclear on the concept Vaudeville sound engineer, is he awake or are his eyes just open?

Happy campers After the show Fairground sign is still relevant Gospel Sessions in action on the grandstand

Mama’s don’t let your babies grow up to be artists:

I am not one of those writers who carves up the music as if I know what I am talking about in an attempt to sound important and have an opinion. I shy away from that kind of critic. I suppose it leaves no room for argument and establishes authority over the subject, however I politely decline that critical mode in favor of a direct experiential approach to the flavors presented as if it is a miracle that any artist or musician stays dedicated to developing their craft regardless of the occupations unnatural pressures. Individual ego aside, the commons of art and music is our cultural heritage and defines our place in history.

To develop an authentic voice within the climate of the last 20 years of criminal public funding cuts to our music and arts programs is a miracle and that these small offerings of beauty on the part of independent producers and promoters is astonishing. We do it for the love of music and art.

The artists and musicians and even promoters and producers often do it often for pennies, and are sometimes lucky to have a day job or family support that affords them the freedom to do music and art often in addition to real life pressures.

The purpose of being creative is to share the experience with others singing and expressing art about the struggles and joys of our time. I am here to document that effort.

To muck about, wasting time doing something not necessary.
I've been faffing about all day with my car

2. faff         
1. to waste time doing nothing. 2. to waste time doing stupid things 3. to delay, dilly-dally, especially before leaving the house to be on time somewhere.
3. 3. A new art form: Enjoying the utter essentials of life, love and music with no real agenda but good food, fine wine, beautiful art, great friends and the right vibe.

1. Get your sorry ass out of bed....

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